Exibition and Awords
The Enel Award, 1963
The Luciano D'Anna National Award, Menfi, 1st Prize, 1965
The Mandorlo in Fiore National Award, Agrigento, 1965
The Acli Award, Sciacca, Gold Medal, 1966
The Piccolo Dipinto National Award, Sciacca, 1966
The Lions Club National Painting Award, Sciacca, 1969
The Otto Artisti Saccensi Collective Exhibition, La Robina Gallery, Palermo, 1970
The Villa San Giovanni National Award, Reggio Calabria, 1971
The National Drawing Award, Le Tre Bifore Gallery, Sciacca, 1973
The Collective Art Show, Italian Red Cross, Agrigento, 1975
The Estemporanea Gibilmanna, Cefalù, 1976
The Traveling Show of Painting on Glass, Valle del Belice, 1979-1981
The Painting Exhibition, Rotary Club, Sciacca, 1982
The Albe Steiner National Painting and Graphics Exhibition, by Aldo Grasso, Raffadali, 1st Prize, 1983
The Albe Steiner National Painting and Graphics Exhibition, by Aldo Grasso, Raffadali, 1984
Sciacca for Africa, from an idea of Franco Accursio Gulino, an artistic-cultural contribution against hunger in the
world Presented by Francesco Renda, Scaglione Museum - Sciacca 1985
The Pittura di Sicilia Collective Exhibition, the Pier Paolo Pasolini Cultural Centre, Agrigento, 1985
The Citta' di Enna National Painting Competition, 1st Prize, 1987
The La Fede nell'Arte National Contemporary Art Show, by Albano Rossi, Monreale, 1987
Art in Comparison, Palazzo della Provincia Regionale Siciliana, Palermo, 1988
Painting Show, International Contemporary Art Award, by Albano Rossi, Campobello di Mazara Town, 1988
A town by the sea: images of life. Murales, Trappeto, 1989
Murales by Albano Rossi, Trappeto, 1990
A town to paint, by Albano Rossi, Salemi, 1990
Planning for Development. Homage to the religiosity of the Madonna del Soccorso paintings by
Franco Accursio Gulino held by Primo Veneroso, Lions Club, the former Convent of St. Francis, Sciacca, 1990
The Weekend of Art: generations in comparison Collective Exhibition, Palermo, 1991
The Contemporaneamente Collective Exhibition
introduction by Francesco Lo Bue, former Convent of St. Francis, Sciacca, 1993
Presenze d'Arte in Sicilia, Collective Exhibition, Palazzo dei Congressi, Agrigento, 25th – 29th May 1994
The Mediterranea. Aspects of Art in Sicily Collective Exhibition
by Marco Goldin, former Convent of St. Francis, Sciacca, 1994
The Madonna col Bambino Altar Piece, Formica Island, Trapani, 1995
The In the labyrinth of the Gods. Paintings by Sicilian painters Collective Exhibition
The Santo Spirito Monastery, Agrigento, 1996
Ospite l'Arte, review by Paolo Nifosi, former Convent of St. Francis, Sciacca, 28th July – 28th August 1996
The Design and Embalmer Individual Show, The "La Guardia Hall" Art Gallery
presented by Gioacchino Lanza Tommasi at the Italian Cultural Institute, Sellerio Editore catalogue
review by Robert Viscusi, Rai International, New York, 16th September – 6th December 1997
The La Custode painting on the cover of the book: Mafia donna. Le vestali del sacro e dell'onore
by Teresa Principato and Alessandra Dino, Flaccovio Editore, 1997
The Gesu' in croce painting on the cover of the book: Le tre ore di agonia di nostro Signore Gesu' Cristo
Le ultime sette parole by Irene Pivetti, Church of Santa Maria del Giglio, 1997
The Design and Embalmer Individual Show, by the Centrale dell'Arte of Rome, the Enzo Sellerio Editore catalogue
review by Robert Viscusi, Allen Priebe Gallery, Uw Oshkosh, 16th September – 11th October 1998
The Contemporary Sicily Individual Show, the Art Gallery in Brooklyn College
Italian Cultural Institute, New York, 1998
The Transits Views beyond borders. A point in the Mediterranean Collective Exhibition. First International
Contemporary Art Show Tanino Bonifacio, Scaglione Museum, Sciacca, 3rd – 25th October 1998
From the black of the Sign to the colours of the Dream, homage by 60 Sicilian artists to Francesco Lanza
Civic Gallery Enna, 18th June – 7th July 1999
The In/Out Individual Show, review by Maria Catalano Rand and Natalia Indrimi
hosted by La Centrale dell'Arte of Rome Cantieri Culturali della Zisa, Galleria Bianca, Palermo, 9th – 30th April 1999
Vernissage. Galerie de la Cite', Lausanne, Switzerland, 15th February – 30th April 2001
The Sicilian Landscapes Collective Exhibition, by Stefano Malatesta, the Amici della Ceramica, della Pittura e delle
Arti Association the former Convent of St. Francis, Sciacca, 14th December – 14th January 2002
The In Medio Stat Virtus Individual Show, review by Gianluca Ranzi, hosted by Nino Soldano
Fondazione Orestiadi of Gibellina
Gibellina, 6th – 28th September 2003
The painting L'abbondanza on the cover of the book: Terra calda by Francesca Ferragine, Lalli Editore, 2003
Tabularium, Concerto a dieci voci per l'Europa, Piccolo Teatro di Milano, Teatro d'Europa, Milan, 2004
Percorsi d'Arte organized by the Azienda di Cura, Soggiorno e Turismo, former Convent of St. Francis
Sciacca 7th August – 7th September 2004
The International Art Festival of Crete, a show organized by Omma Center of Contemporary Art
directed by Thomas Tunberg and Despina Tuonberg, Crete, Greece, July 2005
In the Sicilian Sea, Complesso Monumentale Santa Margherita, directed by SciaccArte, Sciacca, August 2006
The Sette percorsi d'arte Collective Exhibition, Porta Bagni Gallery, Sciacca, 18th April – 5th May 2006
The Per sensi umani Collective Exhibition, by Aldo Gerbino, Complesso Monumentale Santa Margherita
Sciacca, 17th December – 22nd February 2006
P.P.P. We are all in danger. Pier Paolo Pasolini's last interview. Theatre show, directed by Daniele Salvo.
Painting works by Franco Accursio Gulino. Teatro Stabile Turin, April 2007
Teatro dei Filodrammatici, Milan, April 2007
The Piccolo Dipinto. Artisti Siciliani Collective Exhibition. The Il Pozzo Cultural Association, Sciacca, 2007
MicroMega Almanac of philosophy by Paolo Flores D'Arcais, on the cover and inner images
works of Franco Accursio Gulino, November 2008
Lands in motion. Towards the future. 40th Anniversary of the Belice earthquake, by Tanino Bonifacio
Gibellina, 15th January 2008
The Piccolo Dipinto. Artisti Siciliani Collective Exhibition. The Il Pozzo Cultural Association, Sciacca, 2008
The painting Antonio Gramsci on the cover of the book Gramsci a Turi e altri testi
by Antonio Tarantino, Ubulibri Editore, 2009
The Ecce Clandestinus Individual Show, by Valentina Di Miceli, Museum of Caltabellotta, July 2010
The Piccolo Dipinto. Artisti Siciliani Collective Exhibition, the Il Pozzo Cultural Association
Sciacca, 12th December 2010 – 12th January 2010
Recognition of the ArtistSanta Margherita 400 years – 4 artists for 400 years
by Tanino Bonifacio, Santa Margherita Belice, 2010
The Sciacca percorsi d'Arte Collective Exhibition, by Toni Russo and Giovanni Di Vita, the Culture Club
Sciacca, 7th December 2010 – 6th January 2010
The Camminanti Individual Show, organized by the Italian Embassy in Nairobi and by the Italian Cultural Institute
on the occasion of the celebration for the 150 years of the Unification of Italy.
The catalogue has been published by Sellerio publishing house with a review by Mr Carlo Bertelli
28th April to 15th May, Nairobi, Kenya.
The Made in Sicily, Collective Exhibition by Nicolo' D'Alessandro, Galleria d'Arte Moderna "Le Ciminiere"
Catania 16th July-18th September; "Albergo delle Povere", Palermo 14th November -– 23th December 2011
The Contaminazioni. Dall'eta' del bronzo alle collezioni artistiche eoliane moderne e contemporanee
Collective Exhibition by Michele Bellamy Postiglione, Maria Clara Martinelli Michele Benfari Museo Archeologico
Eoliano "Luigi Bernabo' Brea", Lipari 14th April – 9th June 2012
Summer by Edward Bond, Theatrical performance directed by Daniele Salvo.
Painting works by Franco Accursio Gulino.
Teatro Festival Italia, Teatro San Ferdinando, Napoli 14th – 16th June 2012
PPP. Una polemica inversa, Omaggio a Pier Paolo Pasolini, Collective Exhibition by Flavio Alivernini, Fandango Libri
catalogue review by Achille Bonito Oliva, Palazzo Incontro, Roma, 30th October – 23th December 2012
MicroMega Almanac of philosophy by Paolo Flores D'Arcais, on the cover and inner images
works of Franco Accursio Gulino, November 2012
Collective exhibition Caltabellotta: vicende e visioni, promoted by the Municipality of Caltabellotta in cooperation
with the Fondazione Orestiadi of Gibellina Palazzo della Signoria, Caltabellotta, 9th February – 9th March 2012
The painting Piano-forte on the cover of the book: Un pianoforte by Francesca Ferragine, Rubbettino Editore, 2013
The Pasolini painting on the occasion of the Evento Ferus, L'arte uccide la mafia, Under the Distinguished
Patronage of the President of Italian Republic Palazzo di Giustizia of Trapani, 25th January 2013
Macelleria messicana, Theatrical performance by Enrico Groppali, directed by Daniele Salvo.
Painting works by Franco Accursio Gulino. Teatro Stabile of Brescia, 9th – 21th April 2013
Ritrovarsi. Ossimori d'arte, Collective Exhibition by Stefania Gioacchino, International Festival of Contemporary Art
Casa Museo Scaglione, Sciacca, 22th - 24th August 2014
Clandestini. Passano all'asta i sogni, individual show by Laura Anello
Steri- Carceri dell'inquisizione spagnola, Palermo 4th - 26th October 2014
Out of the shadows, collective exhibition by Anna Maria Ruta, Real Albergo dei Poveri
Palermo, 3rd - 22th November 2014
Memorie-Ritratto d'artista, Individual show by Paola Nicita
Rewiew by Paolo Flores d'Arcais, Paola Nicita and Antonella Purpura, Leoluca Orlando, Andrea Cusumano, Eliana Calandra.
Caracol Edizioni catalogue. Palazzo Ziino (GAM), Palermo, 16th January - 13th February 2015
Artisti di Sicilia. Da Pirandello a Iudice
Collective Exhibition by Vittorio Sgarbi, Castello Ursino, Catania 17th January - 16th March 2015
Ecce homo, individual show by Stefania Gioacchino
Galleria Agora', Palermo, 16th Jenuary ¬-13th February 2015
P.P.P. We are all in danger. Pier Paolo Pasolini's last interview. Theatre show, directed by Daniele Salvo.
Painting works by Franco Accursio Gulino. Teatro Vascello, Roma 5th -15th March 2015; Teatro Franco Parenti, Milan 27th October–1st November 2015;
Teatro Pandurera, Cento, 2nd April
Eolie 1950/2015. Mare Motus. L’isola. Collective Exhibition by Lea Mattarella and Lorenzo Zichichi
Church of St. Catherine and former prison, Lipari, 12th July - 30th September, 2015
Ritrovarsi. Festival Internazionale d'Arte Contemporanea. Screening of five short films unpublished writings
by Franco Accursio Gulino. Sciacca, 31th July - 2nd August 2015
Franco Accursio Gulino. La dimensione personale del vivere.
Sciacca Film-fest, 14th-16th September 2015
Ferdinandea isola pensante
Exposition of works from the painting cycle devoted to Ferdinandea Island and projection of the film "Ferdinandea isola pensante"
directed by Daniele Salvo and Claudio Pappalardo. Project supported by Sciacca Municipality-Culture Division.
Teatro popolare Samona' in Sciacca, from 12 th December 2014 to 6 th January 2016
Pasolini. Un poeta
La Dogana, Milano sita in piazza Duomo.
Per raccontare l’arte
Collective Exhibition, Spazio agorà, Palermo, 25th September - 30nd September 2015
Passano all’asta i sogni.
Individual show by Galleria d’arte contemporanea Giolitti, Roma, 2nd -14 th October 2016
Imago mundi. Rotte Mediterranee.
Collective Exhibition by Biennale Arcipelago Mediterraneo, Cantieri Culturali Alla Zisa – Spazio Zac – Zona Arti Contemporanee,
from 18 th February 2017 to 10 th March 2017.